Monday, December 20, 2010

Franky is a Dog of Convenience

Franky was like "Which toy should I fall asleep with?" And then he chose the closest one so that way he didn't have to move.

Franky was Born Cozy

Does Franky dream of super-cute sheep?

Franky is Possessed III

Do you see what I see?

Franky is possessed again.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Blue Maze, Sinatra, Ducati

The Maze was painted by an Italian, the Ducati was made by Italians, and Franky's name for the first 9 months of his life (before we got him) was Sinatra.

Franky in the Morning

Good morning Mr Bighead!

Franky is Lonely

Franky saw the 2 plastic bags moving back and forth on the sidewalk in the distance and he perked up and started charging toward them because he thought that they were dogs and he wanted to play with them.