Thursday, May 27, 2010

Franky Can Be Evil

If you dig through the whiskers and hair and find his lips and part them, then Franky appears to be evil, and also exhibits more proof that he is no show dog.

Franky Waits and Wonders

Franky spends half of his life waiting and the other half wondering what the hell is going on. And intermittently he thinks about what he will eat next.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Franky Plays Kurtz

The Horror! The Horror!

Franky and a UFO

It turns out they didn't come to abduct him, they just wanted to see how cute he was

Franky and The Bench

Just after I finished making the bench Franky jumped up on it and was like "I like this bench and I'm gonna spend a lot of time chillin on this bench"

Franky is a Smart Dog

When I asked Franky if he wanted to take a walk with me to the bodega he was like I ain't going nowhere.

Franky Possessed

Must. Eat. Meat.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Franky Loves The Bodega

Every time Franky walks past the bodega he tries to drag me in there since every couple of days they give him the end cut of the Boars Head ham.

Franky's Food-Coma Camo

After eating 2 hot dogs, an Italian sausage, and 2 pork ribs, Franky turned himself the color of the concrete, so as to avoid capture by his enemies while he slept.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stanley Coren was Right About Franky

We were all running around packing and getting ready to leave town for the weekend and Franky was like "If I hang out in their luggage then they'll have to bring me with them".

Shi-Tzu's were rated the 70th in intelligence out of the 80 breeds of dogs, by Stanley Coren, in his masterpiece The Intelligence of Dogs, (1994).

I agree with Stanley, because if Franky were a genius he would remember that we bring him everywhere with us.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Franky is Not a Show Dog

The American Kennel Club prefers Shit-Tzu's to have forward facing front paws.

But look how his tail curls in a perfect circle, surely that is worth just as many points.

Franky Can Cook

Dirt Soup.

Franky is Iconic

This is an iconic image of Franky.

It is important for historical figures to have iconic images.

Franky is Trapped

Franky is trapped. And he is falling asleep.

Proof That Our Love of Franky is Reciprical

Such a good dog. He left us a present in the back room. He was being all sheepish that morning because he thought he had done something wrong. But I told him he was free to let us know how much he loves us in any way he chooses, for a dogs affection only comes in so many forms.

Franky Scans the Horizon

Should I go left or should I go right?

Franky's life is a series of such decisions.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Dog Is Cuter Than Yours

You heard me.

Franky Likes Icepops and Has a Long Tongue

I'm no National Geographic photographer, but I think his tongue is fully extended.

Franky's First Studio-Visit

Franky looks regal in front of Avi Adler's new painting. He was a little needy that day I remember. I think because I was paying to much attention to the paintings and not enough to him.

He's funny like that. I could be with him all day and he'll just be chillin, but the second someone comes over that he doesn't know he turns all codependent and jealous and jumps up on my legs and tries to chew my fingers and play with me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.

Franky Doesn't Like Loud Unpredictable Noises

This is Franky and a couple of dogs hiding in the bathroom on The Fourth of July because of the fireworks.

In general, Franky is not bothered by loud noises. He was only hiding because the loud noises could not be predicted.

For example, if I am using a chop-saw or a table saw to cut up a bunch of wood, he quickly realizes the expectation of loud noise, and has no problem falling asleep a couple of feat away.

I think that if he were in the front yard where the fireworks were being lit off, he would have quickly gotten used to it. Especially if it was me that was lighting them.

Franky is Darwinianly Cute

This is what you see when Franky is asking you for more meat.

There must be a Darwinian base for Shi-Tzu's being so cute. They were never in the wild so they never had to be tough and know how to fight or scare someone. To get a lot of nourishment, and therefore live longer (and increase the likelihood of contributing to the gene-pool), they simply had to be super-cute, so the nearest human would gladly part with a portion of his meal.

At least that's my half-ass theory.

Anyway, you try saying no when it's your turn.

Soft Spot for Franky

This is one of Franky's favorite spots in the apartment. He always gravitates toward the softest spot in the room, which in this room is the bath-mat. He follows me wherever I go, even when I have to go.

Franky Holds Down The Fort

This is Franky's favorite spot in The Gallery. Peggy Guggenheim had a team of Shi-Tzu's in her gallery. When the first three died, she got another three. Shi-Tzu's originated in Tibet and were used to guard temples. They can also be called Tibetan Lion Dogs. Peggy Guggenheim married Max Ernst, the surrealist painter, whom was a Buddhist and spent a lot of time in Tibet.

Franky's First Bath in His New Home

Franky was good I remember. He stayed still. He doesn't really like being bathed, but he loves being clean, so he tolerates it. In general, Franky is a dirty dog. But it is only because he follows me around all day, and I am a dirt-ball.

Being dirty keeps one from getting sick. I have grease and dirt on my hands all the time and I am always putting my hands in my mouth, and my hands on my food, and I never get sick. I hold plyers and tools and screws in my mouth when I am building stuff. Franky is the same way, he eats dirt all day long, and he never gets sick either.

Thee First Photo of Franky

I got Franky and an iPhone in the same week. They were both free. At the time I remember thinking that things like that usually come in 3's. The third thing was a free anvil/vice from a friend that was moving to Nam. You can thank my new phone for all these photos. If I didn't have one this is how many photos I would have of Franky: 0. But instead this is how many I have (in less than a year): >400.