Monday, June 28, 2010

Franky Stalemates His Nemesis

After about 20 minutes Franky just gave up. Oddly enough Bizarro Franky gave up at the same exact time.

Franky Ain't Going Out Like That

It was like zero degrees and windy so I figured I'd give the red thing a shot, but Franky was like yo it ain't happenin, what would all my dogs on the block think?

Franky Forgot His Coat

I took him for a walk and he was all cold and then we both realized that he had left his coat in his doggy bed again, so we quick ran back to get it.

Franky Guards Stuff

Without Franky I would have no beer, clothes, or feminine side.

Franky RePurposes

I was doing a little Spring cleaning and decided to throw out two pairs of shoes that leaked all Winter. But before they made it to the garbage Franky was like "Wait! I can use those shoes to sleep on!"

So yeah I held on to them.